A hedge fund seed is large enough to help a manager get off the ground; and some seeders also kick in marketing, risk management, and back office help. 对冲基金种子的规模大到足以帮助一个基金经理起步;而且一些种子投资者还同时提供推介、风险管理和后台帮助。
Furthermore, Mr Dimon is on weak ground in claiming the portfolio was being invested merely as a hedge for its balance-sheet risk. 另外,在宣称这部分投资组合只是为了对冲其资产负债表风险而设方面,戴蒙的理由也显得没有说服力。
And with warm rains melting snow or drenching already saturated ground, the risk of extreme floods will rise dramatically. 并且随着暖雨融化冰雪或者下到水量已饱和的地面,大洪水泛滥的危险将急剧增长。
Composite Fiber-Optic Ground Wire ( OPGW) has a risk that communication faults may be caused by corrosion of their pipes. 合成光纤地线(OPGW)具有由于光纤管子腐蚀造成通讯失效的风险。
The paper analyzed three kinds of accidents that affect ground water-resource during oil field exploitation, indicted the greatest risk was the leakage of the injection well wall. 分析了在油田开发工程可能对水源地产生影响的三类事故,筛选出风险最大的事故是注水井井壁泄漏事故。
The two countries 'current account deficits and erstwhile reliance on portfolio flows make them stand-out casualties, but other Asian currencies are also losing ground as risk capital goes to ground. 印韩两国的经常账户赤字及以往对投资流动的依赖,使它们成为比较显眼的受害者,而随着风险资金的消失,其它亚洲货币也在节节下挫。
And with more boots on the ground, he would have been less reliant on air power, with its inevitable risk of big civilian casualties. 有了更多地面部队,他就能少依靠空中力量了,也就减少了导致平民大量死伤这样不可避免的风险。
Infants and toddlers also are close to the ground and put things in their mouths, which puts them at the same kind of risk as cats and dogs, the group said. 婴儿和初学走路的孩子也易接近地面并喜欢把一些东西放入嘴里,所以也存在着猫和狗一样的危险。
Children born in and staying at areas where the risk from ground radon has been classified as low are less likely to develop ALL than those born in areas classified as normal and high risk. 在地面的氡的危险性归为”低级“的地区出生和成长的儿童,比起那些归为”正常“以及”高危“的地区的儿童,患急性淋巴细胞白血病的可能性要小。
The extending width of the settlement trough induced by the urban tunneling is a key issue in the ground movement prediction and the related risk management. 在隧道施工引起的地层位移预测与相关风险管理中,地表沉降槽的延伸宽度是一个重要的课题,也是进行沉降预测的主要参数之一。
If, while conjuring up an interface, designers ground themselves in the design, they run the serious risk of creating an interface that only they can use. 如果设计工作者站在自己的角度去构想一个界面时,那么设计出的界面极有可能只适合他们自己使用。
An athlete who hustles will dive on the ground to catch the ball and put himself at risk to help his team. 一个全力以赴的运动员会不惜一切地接住球,即使让自己置身于危险之中,也要帮助团队。
Water heater stands raise gas units off the ground and reduce the risk of fire in the event of a flammable liquid spill nearby. 热水器煤气站单位提出该理由关闭,减少可燃液体泄漏的危险附近的火灾事件一。
A typical SUV has high ground clearance and a bumper that may create a greater risk of damage to an oncoming car and its passengers. 典型的SUV的离地面的间隙较高,保险杠可能对迎面的汽车及其乘客造成较大伤害。
Methods to determine the probability that certain ground acceleration levels will be experienced in a given site are referred to as "seismic risk" or "seismic hazard" analyses. 方法测定的概率,某些地面加速度水平将被体验在某一特定地点都被称为“地震风险”或“地震风险”分析。
The lower reach of Huanghe is a river on ground which has seismic risk of its large bank fissure caused by future earthquakes to produce flood. 黄河下游为一条地上悬河,存在着严重的地震危险性,未来强震会引起大堤失稳开裂,造成特大水灾。
Detection of Ground Stress States in the Middle Western Region of Anhui Province and Research on the Earthquake Risk 安徽省中西部地区地应力状态探测与地震危险性研究
Seismic parameters and time-distance curves of ground motion under 63%, 10% and 3% probability of exceedance are set up by analysis of site seismic risk. 论文通过地震危险性分析建立起超越概率63%、10%和3%的地震荷载的地震动参数和加速度时程。利用循环荷载试验得出特殊地基土的动剪切模量、阻尼比与剪应变的关系;
On the basis of risk identification incorporating the practical experience in soft ground tunneling, available data and literatures as well as the tunnel engineering theories, risk handling measures for some typical risks in the process of shield tunneling are studied. 在风险识别的基础上,结合以往软土隧道工程建设的实践经验、数据资料以及隧道工程理论,重点研究了盾构法隧道工程实施过程中一些典型风险的应对措施。
The mutual effect of neighborhood building on the soft ground, mainly about risk characters, influence factors and interval distance was discussed. 从工程实际出发,讨论了软土地基上相邻建筑物相互影响的危害特征、影响因素、间隔距离。
On the ground of risk perception and risk acceptance is identified the changing process of public acceptance of nuclear power in Japan during 1990s. 从风险认知和风险接受性两个方面,分析了20世纪90年代以后核能在日本的公众接受性的变化过程。
Based on the seismic risk analysis both underground and ground infrastructures, it will be divided where is the high, middle and lower level seismic risk area, and applied these results to new developing area planning, old city rebuilding and city planning. 在此基础上综合评价城市地下结构和地上设施可能引发的地震灾害风险水平,划分城市地震灾害的高风险区、中等风险区和低风险区,为城市新区建设、旧城改造和规划制定提供依据。
Taking Beijing rail transit line as an example, this paper analyses the influence of ground to type selection, and makes risk evaluation of various types of shield machine. 以北京铁路地下直径线为例,通过工程地质分析、地层对盾构的选型影响分析以及不同类型盾构的风险评估等方面进行盾构选型分析,可供类似工程作参考。
The half quantitative research on inrush risk of iron mine ground water: The ground water inrush risk of Gaoyang iron mine in the ore body area has been comprehensively evaluated by the mathematic tool of fuzzy. 矿床突水风险性半定量研究:以模糊数学为评判工具,对高阳铁矿矿体范围内地下水突水风险性进行模糊综合评价。
On this ground, applying the higher risk matrix it is assessed comprehensively the probability of transformer failure and the severity of failure, and the strategies of transformer maintenance is drafted. 3. The system about the risk assessment of power transformer failure is developed. 在此基础之上,应用高阶风险矩阵对变压器故障风险的失效概率和失效严重度实现综合评估,并以此为依据,制订了变压器检修策略。
In recent years, because of the complexity of the ground and the risk of the environment, robots are gradually replacing human to perform some complex or dangerous task especially in the field of adventure, disaster relief and the military. 近年来,在探险、救灾、军事等领域中,由于地面的复杂性和环境的危险性,机器人已经逐步的取代人类来执行一些比较复杂或者危险的任务。
Carrying out the work on the ground floor, especially on the underground caverns, provides a new ideas and methods to the risk assessment. 为进行科学合理的地下工程,特别是地下洞室群风险评价提供了一种新方法,为今后新建地下洞室群的风险评估提供了借鉴。
Coupling the probability distribution for the collapse capacity with a corresponding ground motion hazard curve for the location of the structure, we proposed method of controlling collapse risk for general construction projects. 在不同形状超越概率曲线的基础上耦合了结构倒塌能力的不确定性,提出了一般建设工程抗倒塌风险的控制方法。